How to Use Infusionsoft

First let me address the question you may ask…what is Infusionsoft?

Infusionsoftis software which helps small business grow by automating their sales and marketing processes. They are the leader in the emerging category of small business

“Marketing Automation” software

with over 7,000 companies using their system.

This overview video helps understand what it is and how business use Infusionsoft…

Another common question is “I’ve never heard of Infusiosoft, How large are they?”

These are a few highlights for Q2 2011:
  1. Infusionsoft customer count totaled more than 7,000 businesses and 23,000 users
  2. Infusionsoft customers sent nearly 600 million emails, bringing the total number of emails sent using Infusionsoft to 4.5 billion
  3. Infusionsoft helped over 1,000 small businesses launch their first marketing automation campaign
  4. Infusionsoft customers captured 7.5 million leads, bringing the total number of leads captured to date using Infusionsoft to 58 million
  5. Over 130 million contacts now managed across all customers
  6. Infusionsoft processed $270 million in transactions across all customers, bringing the total amount of e-commerce transactions processed to date to $2.7 billion

This is a stable growing company which is helping it’s clients make money. This isn’t some guys doing some coding and you don’t know if they will be around in the future.

How to Use Infusionsoft

During the monthly Infusionsoft user group meetings I have been running for 2 years (check out my events page for info), I am often asked how to use Infusionsoft to grow a business.

The answer: There is no one best way to unlease the amazing value of Infusionsoft.

First, lets assume you have marketing leads and sales. Without them, you have no current process to nurture leads to become customers. If you have no current revenue, automating sales and marketing will be expensive and Infusionsoft may be a better choice later after your business grows. Generally, we like to automate and improve an existing set of processes.

As a veteran of over 100 successful Infusionsoft implementations, I can give you the approach I have used…

I ask clients to map out their current marketing, lead generating and sales processes. I ask they have an idea of what their “ideal process” would look like. Implementing their Infusionsoft based marketing system is a matter of finding the highest value activity and building out those processes. I like to add in any “ninja” techniques and round out any holes in client’s understanding of the most effective techniques and tools…if they can improve system performance.

Next, we whiteboard out their sales and marketing processes. Then using, we create a web-based flow chart of the businesses marketing. We end up with a document like this…

Then we put the content into all these web-based digital assets….videos, copy, emails, webforms, etc.

This technique of how to use infusionsoft and how to implement infusionsoft is detailed in an information product

Want Help Implementing Infusionsoft?

Complete a form on this site or call us and we can help you.

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